• Ugh, so having taken care/expense to arrange to sit near the front, will now be allowed on last to find the overhead lockers already purloined by group 3 on their way past? Now that travesty of misbehaviour would be a thing to put some effort into managing.

  • This is in the Q&A on the web page, but the 'account preferences' page that the link leads to doesn't seem to have the facility to do this.Will I be prompted to use Qantas Points on every in-store transaction at bp?You will be prompted to use your Qantas Points in-store if you scan your digit...

  • Cheers to Qantas and BP for coming up with this 'offer', but buying petrol with Qantas points is something I will never want to do.  And I don't want to be prompted to, every time I swipe my card at a BP.  Fortunately, according to the "how do I ..." questions buried in the offer info p...

  • I've flown a lot with Virgin Australia 1.0 (and before them, Virgin Blue), and enjoyed the experience. I'm a Platinum member of Velocity, and have enjoyed that experience too. I've been a Lounge member for pretty much as long as there's been a Lounge membership, and have enjoyed that experience t...

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